Container types

which kind of boxes can carry your load on waters? find out here.

Container description

Container types

  • General Purpose Containers

General-purpose containers (also known as dry containers) are the standard containers used for loading most types of normal cargo. These containers are weather-proof, fully sealed, and come with rigid sidewalls and floors.

  • Flat Rack Containers

Flat racks containers are shipping containers that are used to transport heavy or oversized cargo. They are made of steel and can handle heavy loads. Flat rack containers come in 20′ or 40′ and either folding flat rack or platform flat racks depending on what type of cargo is being transported.

  • Open Top Containers

Open Top Containers (OTCs) are a type of container unit that is unique in structure. It is characterized by an open-top that is covered by a tarpaulin. It is specifically built to store large unwieldy cargo that cannot be transported by conventional containers. In addition to the open-top, it can also be accessed through doors on either end of the container that allows normal goods to go through.

  • Double Door Containers

The Double Door (DD) Container also known as “Tunnel Container” is a container that comes with standard double doors at both end walls. The doors make it easy to load cargo and use the container as a storage facility. The container is an ISO compliant container and it is suitable for international freight use.

  • High Cube Containers

High-cube containers are similar in structure as standard containers, but much taller. In contrast to standard containers, which have a maximum height of 2591 mm, high-cube containers are 2896 mm tall. High-cube containers are for the most part 40′ long, but are sometimes made as 45′ containers.

  • ISO Reefer Containers

Refrigerated Containers often referred to as Reefer Containers are designed to store or transport perishable goods such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, fresh or frozen food and so on. It is a shipping container installed with a cooling unit to keep goods at a regulated temperature, typically with a temperature range of -35°C to +30°C, meaning they can keep goods frozen, chilled, and even warmed, regardless of the external temperature. 

  • Open Side Containers

A side opening container or open side container is a shipping container that, in addition to the regular, lockable double doors located on one end, includes an additional pair of bi-fold doors on one of the longer sides. The bi-fold function of the side doors allows for two opening sizes. It is ideal for those who need to fill it with items that are larger in size and would not fit through standard sized container doors.

  • Insulated Containers

Insulated shipping containers are a type of packaging used to ship temperature sensitive products such as foods, pharmaceuticals, biologic materials and chemicals. They are used as part of a cold chain to help maintain product freshness and efficacy. 

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1. Scopul Politicii de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal:
1.1.Societatea Cargo Speed International SRL, cu sediul in Timisoara, inmatriculata sub nr.J 35/4046/2005 , CUI RO18234470, administreaza datele cu caracter personal furnizate de clientii sai (denumiti si “Persoane vizate”), in conformitate cu prevederile GDPR, in scopul desfasurarii de activitati de transport, in beneficiul Clientilor.
1.2.Prezentul Site web al Cargo Speed International este un site de prezentare a societatii si a activitatilor desfasurate de aceasta, nefiind posibila momentan contractarea serviciilor de transport direct prin intermediul site-ului. Astfel incat, Cargo Speed International nu prelucreaza prin intermediul acestui site, date cu caracter personal din categoria celor referitoare la identificarea persoanei ( nume, domiciliu, cod numeric personal, etc), acestea urmand a fi prelucrate, ca urmare a contactarii Cargo Speed International de catre Clienti si respectiv a initierii raporturilor contractuale dintre Clienti si Cargo Speed International.
1.3.Categoriile de date personale care pot fi prelucrate de Cargo Speed International sunt mentionate la pct.2 al prezentelor Politici, in functie de conditiile specifice fiecarei situatii.

2. Categoriile de date cu caracter personal pe care Cargo Speed International le poate colecta si prelucra:
2.1. Pentru realizarea activitatilor specifice de transport, astfel cum sunt prevazute in obiectul de activitate al Cargo Speed International, este posibil ca acesta sa prelucreze urmatoarele date cu caracter personal: nume, prenume, adresa (domiciliu/resedinta), cod numeric personal, date ale cartii de identitate, telefon, fax, e-mail, adrese de livrare a produselor expediate de Clienti.
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3. Categorii de date cu caracter personal si scopurile colectarii si prelucrarii acestora
3.1. Cargo Speed International colecteaza si prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal ale clientilor sai-mai sus mentionate- pentru urmatoarele scopuri de prelucrare:

  1. a) realizarea serviciilor furnizate de Cargo Speed International, precum si administrarea acestor servicii;
  2. b) posibile analize, cercetari si studii de piata, realizarea de statistici, desfasurarea de activitati de marketing;
  3. c) in scop probatoriu, in legatura cu activitatile de mai sus si cu activitatea de arhivare;

4. Dezvaluirea datelor cu caracter personal
4.1. Cargo Speed International poate dezvalui datele cu caracter personal colectate posibililor subcontractori ai Cargospeed sau altor Persoane imputernicite sau autoritati carora Cargo Speed International este nevoita sa le dezvaluie aceste date personale, fie in scopul desfasurarii activitatii sale, fie pentru respectarea unor dispozitii legale (organe judiciare, de control etc) .
4.2. Cargo Speed International se va asigura ca asemenea terti vor pastra confidentialitatea datelor personale la care vor avea acces si ca vor colecta si procesa datele personale in cauza, in calitatea lor de Persoane imputernicite, cu respectarea dispozitiilor legale incidente.

5. Durata prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal
5.1. Durata prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal este limitata la durata desfasurarii activitatilor destinate clientilor.
5.2. Prin exceptie, Cargo Speed International poate stoca date cu caracter personal pe durata prevazuta de lege, pentru respectarea unor dispozitii legale in legatura cu desfasurarea activitatii sale, in scop probatoriu si de arhivare, precum si pentru realizarea activitatilor de statistica, efectuarea de cercetare si studii de piata.

6. Drepturile Persoanei vizate, potrivit Regulamentului 679/2016
6.1.Cargospeed garanteaza Clientilor/Vizitatorilor Site-ului drepturile prevazute de GDPR conform articolelor 15- 22, respectiv:

  • Dreptul la informare
  • Dreptul de acces la date
  • Dreptul de rectificare a datelor
  • Dreptul de stergere a datelor (dreptul de a fi uitat)
  • Dreptul la restrictionarea datelor
  • Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor
  • Dreptul de opunere la prelucrare
  • Dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale automatizate, inclusiv profilare
  • Dreptul de a se adresa Autoritatii Nationale pentru Supravegherea Prelucrarii Datelor cu caracter personal si instantelor de judecata

6.2. Drepturile mai sus mentionate pot fi exercitate de catre Persoana Vizata, in relatie cu Cargo Speed International, printr-o solicitare adresata- prin email, la adresa de e-mail sau printr-o cerere scrisa, transmisa la sediul social al Cargospeed.
6.3. Cargo Speed International va raspunde acestei solicitari in termen de 30 de zile, in conditiile prevazute de Regulamentul General privind protectia datelor.
6.4. Persoana vizata poate sa se opuna oricand si fara nicio justificare, prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal in scop de marketing direct, prin trasmiterea unei solicitari pe adresa de email sau la sediul societatii Cargo Speed International.

7. Transferul datelor personale
7.1 Cargo Speed International nu transfera date cu caracter personal, cu exceptia situatiilor expres prevazute de lege.

8. Protectia datelor cu caracter personal
8.1 Cargo Speed International depune diligentele necesare pentru asigurarea unui nivel corespunzator de securitate, astfel incat sa reduca /sa elimine riscurile care ar putea afecta datele cu caracter personal colectate si respectiv prelucrate.

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